Why Does My Cat Guard Me When I Pee? - 2023 Update

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Cats guarding or staring at their hoomans when peeing or taking a bath or using the loo for the poop can be an exciting event for some, and rather alarming for some others. In this article, we are going to dig deeper into the guarding phenomenon and also discuss the strategies to manage this. Cat guarding is when a cat stands near its humans while they pee, or even follows them into the bathroom, and then stands near them while they are urinating. Sounds familiar? Well, this article is for you. This behavior is not limited to peeing, as cats can also guard their humans while they poop, take a bath, or just when they are in the bathroom in general.

Historically, it is believed that cats guard their humans because of their instinctual need to protect their territory. This can be seen in wild cats, where they will mark their territory and protect it from other animals. In the home, cats can view the bathroom as their territory and feel the need to guard it when their humans are using it.

In addition to this territorial instinct, cats may also view urinating as a social activity. For cats, urinating can be a way of marking their territory and communicating with other cats. When cats guard their humans while they are peeing, it may be seen as a way of communicating and showing affection.

Finally, cats may guard their humans while they pee as a way of checking in with them. Cats are social animals, and they may guard their humans to ensure that everything is okay. This behavior can be seen as a way of cats showing their love and affection for their humans. Interesting enough? Let’s read more and onto the deep. 

a cat looking at the bath tap - probably while guarding you while peeing
Wow!!! This looks like a snake

3 Reasons Cats Guard Their Humans When They Pee

1. Cats Are Protective of Their Territory

Cats are natural protectors and they may guard their humans while they pee as a way of protecting their territory. Cats are territorial animals and they view the bathroom, and the area around it, as part of their territory. This instinct to protect their territory may be the reason why cats guard their humans while they pee.

2. Cats Consider Urinating a Social Activity

Cats may also guard their humans while they pee as a way of communicating and showing affection. Cats view urinating as a social activity and they may guard their humans as a way of showing their love and affection. Cats may also guard their humans as a way of marking their territory and communicating with other cats.

3. Cats May Be Checking In With Their Human

Finally, cats may guard their humans while they pee as a way of checking in with them. Cats are social animals and they may guard their humans as a way of ensuring that everything is alright. This behavior can be seen as a way of cats showing their love and affection for their humans. Did you know that the main reason of your cat’s likeness to sleep on your chest is also love? Follow the link to read the article. 

a cat looking at the bath tap - probably while guarding you while peeing
Wow!!! This looks like a snake x 2

How to Respond to Cat Guarding – 3 ways

1. Make Sure Your Cat Is Comfortable

As the gracious owner of your cute cat, you have to make sure your cutie is comfortable. Make sure that your cat has access to food and water, and that they have a safe place to sleep. If your cat is feeling secure, they will be less likely to guard you while you use the bathroom. Possibly they are afraid that something might happen to you while peeing, since you loose the concentration on the surrounding.

2.Provide Plenty of Attention and Affection

Well, you know that cats are social animals and major attention seekers, and they need plenty of affection from their humans. Spend time playing with your cat and give them plenty of affection. This will help your cat to feel secure and safe, and less likely to guard you while you use the bathroom.

3. Remove Stressful Stimuli

Thirdly you must make sure that your cat is not getting any negative stimuli regarding the surrounding. This can include loud noises, unfamiliar people or animals, or anything else that may be causing your cat to feel anxious. By removing these sources of stress, you can help to reduce your cat’s guarding behavior. Cats may also be stressed by a presence of a new cat in home. She will not like to share you with some other cat. Learn how to effectively introduce a new cat to your existing cat. 


Cats guard their humans when they pee for a variety of reasons. This behavior can be attributed to cats’ instinctual need to protect their territory, their view of urinating as a social activity, and their desire to check in with their humans. In order to address cat guarding, it is important to make sure that your cat is comfortable, provide them with plenty of attention and affection, and remove any sources of stress. By understanding the reasons behind this behavior and following these strategies, you can help to reduce your cat’s guarding behavior.

But is it worth removing? Its a topic for a future discussion. Add your comments about what you think.

a woman holding a cat - after she has done her bathroom duty
Cats are guarding you because your safety is their concern and they LOVE you

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